A conversation with Jay Rose, new interviews every Monday.

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You have a background in fine art and are a beautiful oil painter, did you find that due to this the transition into tattooing was more natural?

My art training has definitly been a huge help, mostly when it comes to design and being able to draw different things in flattering ways. Im used to working with a lot of different mediums too, so I think thats helped me stay flexible when learning new tools. 

How did you get into tattooing?

Before tattooing I was working independetly as a painter, and I had been trying to get into tattooing for a while, I think I was really trying to manifest an apprenticeship somewhere I felt comfortable. My mentor, whose an amazing artist, had reached out when she opened a shop and wanted an apprentice. And so it went from there.. 

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Your style of painting and tattooing are pretty different, describing your way of tattooing as ‘new traditional’, do you feel as though you developed your style through tattooing or was this something you had curated a bit before hand?

My style is constantly evolving with painting, I think it just slowly changes with my interests. So when I got really into tattooing it naturally made its way into my paintings, and slowly they are starting to fuse more and more. But some things don't translate well with the different processes. My tattoo style is pretty much based off what types of tattoos I'd want to rock myself. I try to keep things exciting, so I'm sure my tattoo style will change too with my development. 

I noticed your tattoos on yourself are predominantly black and grey, do you think you gravitate more to blackwork tattooing over colour on yourself?

On myself personally, I prefer black and grey. Thats because I've pretty much been wearing only black most of my life, so its probably a comfort and fashion thing.
On the other hand I love using colour in tattoos and paintings, I really feel like I can be more expressive. Im happy to do both, but I definitly would love to explore colour more in the future.

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You paint a lot of murals that can be found all over Toronto, is that something that you got into at a young age?

Ive been painting from a really young age. I got into graffiti later on, in my early 20s. When i started messing with spray paint, it was a whole new chapter in my life, and eventually I started doing murals.

COVID_19 really threw a gear in the works for a lot of people, with painting murals I feel like you were out painting a lot whilst most people were more isolated at home. Do you think that painting outside was good for your mental health during the pandemic?

100%... I can't think of any way I would have rather spent my covid. Lol.. its weird to say but for a lot of us it was like a dream opportunity, to just be out painting everyday in the city, without having to worry about jobs or money, and without having crowds of people everywhere. I did a lot of work that Im proud of during those few months. It was a weird time, but I definitly have fond memories of it.

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Last but not least, what are you most excited about working at Delete After Death?

Honestly so many things. I'm probably the most excited to be around artists that I really respect, and admire. I'm excited to learn new things here, to develop my style, my technique, and new friendships! Its really exciting stuff and I'm honoured to be a part of it all.

